Make a Difference

Please consider donating to our organization so that we may continue our programs in the St Helens Main Street district.

St. Helens Main Street is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization focused on business and community development and historic preservation. We are part of a national movement formed to improve the quality of life in small-town America and to invigorate the economic health of the Historic Main Street central business districts.

The Main Street Program, developed and administered by the nonprofit National Main Street Center of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, has utilized a public-private partnership of private investment, local government support, and local non-profit assistance to revitalize historic commercial districts.

The St. Helens Main Street has positively affected the revitalization of St. Helens business district and the town as a whole. This locally-driven, hands-on, grassroots, self-help approach has met much success, focusing on four main points: Economic Vitality, Promotions, Design, and Outreach/Organization.


We want to thank all of the St. Helens Main Street Alliance supporters.

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